These are so much quicker and easier than standard chocolate crackles, taste better and look great, and can be modified to suit the season, red and green smarties for Christmas, green coloured white chocolate amd mini eggs for Easter.
Can be made with bigger patty pans and pushed into a dish shape, filled with melted marshmallows and any other decorations added. Anything goes here.

Easter chocolate crackles with green marshmallow
- 3 cups coco pops
- 1 pack of good quality milk cooking chocolate (approx 200g)
- 1 small bar of white chocolate (Milky bar)
- 1 pack of M & Ms of the variety desired or mini Easter eggs
- Put small paper cases into a mini patty pan tin – about 24 hole
- Put the coco-pops into a bowl. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt on low in the microwave.
- When just melted stir the chocolate into the coco-pops and stir.
- Fill the paper cases – not too mounded in the centre as the white chocolate needs to sit in the middle.
- Put into the fridge or freezer to cool.
- For Christmas sort the M&Ms or Smarties into piles of the desired colours (you get to eat the rest) & melt the white chocolate in a coffee cup in the microwave.
- Drizzle a small puddle of white chocolate onto each one and top with a smartie/M&M – red and green for Christmas. Allow to set.
- The white chocolate can be coloured green for Easter and a chocolate Easter egg added to the top.
- Can be frozen until needed.